Friday, May 31, 2013

A trip to your childhood is all you need....

So this time I didn’t have to “smile at my cluelessness” or anything to come up with a topic. I guess I’m just getting better at this :D Anyways, this is something that I’ve thought about for quite a while. Now that I have my blog, I can write about it too! [Evil victory laugh] I suppose I’m a bit too excited about blogging.

10 – 14 is what I called the “weird phase”. This could be because those years were awkward and embarrassing for me, now that I think about it, extremely immature too. The moment we enter middle school, we think that we’ve grown up. One day you’re doing awesome things like playing kid-ish games and the next, you’re talking only to people your age and refuse to do anything that involves kids or what kids would do. Then we move into high school and then college and forget that we were kids not so long ago. The effects are more pronounced when you don’t have younger siblings at home. We then go on to complain about how awful life is, how much work is dumped on us at school, how going to college means “not having a life” and also how we wish we were still kids – carefree and happy. What we don’t realize is that when we don’t do anything to make us feel carefree and happy, there is no point in complaining either. What we also don’t realize is that spending some time with people of other ages isn’t going to make us any less cool. I’m not going to go off on tangents and talk about how we should interact with people of all age groups. That’s for another blog, maybe (Told you, I’m getting better at finding stuff to write about).

I’m not going to lie and say that I didn’t go through that phase. I did too! But, on spending more time with kids, playing games with them, listening to them talk, watching Disney movies and playing like a kid, I realized that school is so much more bearable. On a weekend when you’re not doing homework or other things, go to one of those places that you used to ask your parents to take you to, as a kid. Go play some games and collect tickets and feel excited at Chuck E. Cheese’s. Or else, go bounce around at Sports Bounce. Watch a kids’ movie once in a while. Such fun, once in a while will make you stop wishing that you were still a kid. Trust me, it’ll give you a few hours of your childhood back. 

PS – I love Sports Bounce, hence this picture :D

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